Professional Development
Professional Development Information
Goals and Objectives
- Be very clear on what we are asking our staff to teach our students.
- What does the staff need to know to be successful in teaching our students?
- How do we identify the needs that have the highest impact on student success?
- How do we determine the needs of our teacher in relation to what we are asking them to do?
- What are the best ways to deliver staff development in the areas we have chosen?
- Which areas need constant review, during the school year?
- How can parents support attainment of our objectives?
Standards for WUHS
- Professional growth is linked directly to California State Content Standards.
- Professional development is focused on effective teaching and instructional leadership.
- Professional development engages participants as active learners.
- Professional development focuses content and format on students learning needs.
Indicators of Success
- Professional development is based on expected student outcomes in relation to California State Content Standards.
- Procedures are in place to routinely review the growth of "all students".
- Professional growth is designed to help teachers carry out Wasco Union High School District’s educational priorities.
- Professional Development features sound, research-based theories and practices in curriculum, instruction and assessment for "all students."
- Professional Development is base on California Standards for the Teaching Profession.
- Continual observation and monitoring of teacher use of curriculum, technology, assessments for "all students."
- Assessments for future Professional Growth concerns.
- Professional Development that engages teacher review of student achievement data to develop new approaches for professional development needs.
- School and district schedules that allocate sufficient time for job-embedded professional development.